Acopio, which is officially known as the Unión Nacional de Acopio (UNA), currently operates under the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) and consists of 12 enterprises (empresas nacionales) and 15 basic enterprise units (Unidades Empresariales de Base-UEBs) that operate nationwide, except in the provinces of Artemisa, Mayabeque, and Havana, and in the Isle of Youth, where the direct commercialization of selected agricultural products is permitted (Martín González, 2018). Acopio supplies an estimated 400 state-run agricultural markets (Mercados Agropecuarios Estatales-MAEs) and some 1,200 agricultural sales outlets (puntos de venta) on daily basis with domestic agricultural products, which are collected from state farmers, agricultural cooperatives, and private producers (e.g., independent farmers and usufructuraries) (Martín González, 2018).