Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulfate as terminal electron acceptor has been reported for various environments, including freshwater habitats, and also, nitrate and nitrite were recently shown to act as electron acceptors for methane oxidation in eutrophic freshwater habitats. Radiotracer experiments with sediment material of Lake Constance, an oligotrophic freshwater lake, were performed to follow 14 CO 2 formation from 14 CH 4 in sediment incubations in the presence of different electron acceptors, namely, nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, or oxygen. Whereas 14 CO 2 formation without and with sulfate addition was negligible, addition of nitrate increased 14 CO 2 formation significantly, suggesting that AOM could be coupled to denitrification. Nonetheless, denitrification-dependent AOM rates remained at least 1 order of magnitude lower than rates of aerobic methane oxidation. Using molecular techniques, putative denitrifying methanotrophs belonging to the NC10 phylum were detected on the basis of the pmoA and 16S rRNA gene sequences. These findings show that sulfate-dependent AOM was insignificant in Lake constant sediments. However, AOM can also be coupled to denitrification in this oligotrophic freshwater habitat, providing first indications that this might be a widespread process that plays an important role in mitigating methane emissions.Freshwater lakes account for 2 to 10% of the total emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane (1) and are therefore an important part of the global methane cycle (24, 56). The major part of methane is formed biologically by methanogenic archaea in anoxic environments, where alternative electron acceptors are lacking (8). Some methane is lost from the sediments due to ebullition or mixing events (5, 9), but most of it is readily oxidized by aerobic methanotrophic bacteria when they reach the oxic biosphere (17). Aerobic methanotrophs activate methane using molecular oxygen in a monooxygenase reaction to cleave the strong COH bond (28). Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulfate as electron acceptor is carried out by methanogen-like archaea, so-called anaerobic methanotrophic (ANME) archaea, in syntrophic cooperation with sulfate-reducing bacteria (3,19,20,57). Although no defined coculture is available to date (37, 38), metagenomic analysis (16, 33) and the discovery of an abundant, methyl coenzyme M reductase-like protein in microbial mats catalyzing AOM (32) provided indications that sulfate-dependent AOM in all probability operates as a reversal of methanogenesis. The energy gain (according to the change in the Gibbs free energy [⌬G°Ј]) in sulfate-dependent AOM according to equation 1 is close to the theoretical minimum for ATP synthesis (⌬G°Ј ϭ Ϫ20 kJ mol Ϫ1 ) (45), which could hardly feed two organisms in a syntrophic cooperation.Therefore, this process is preferentially observed in marine environments at Ͼ800-m water depths and under high methane pressures. AOM coupled to iron and manganese reduction (2) or humic compound reduction (47) has been report...