The objective of this study was to investigate the role of online exchanges and the support of generational peers in childbirth. Researchers conducted a qualitative study by way of a collective case study (Stake, 2016), in which researchers analyzed 30 childbirth accounts published on personal blogs about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood experiences, 15 of which were written by women and 15 by men. The results pointed to a scenario of misinformation about childbirth in Brazil and the power of online sharing among generational peers in terms of a support network during the transition to parenthood and the mobilization of civil society to change the childbirth assistance situation in Brazil. Share childbirth experiences is a powerful resource of psychological support for those who are about to give birth. Researchers highlight the importance of the appropriate health agencies promoting encounters at health centers that foster sharing between pregnant persons. Researchers emphasize that there were changes in support networks during the transition to parenthood, currently leading to a search for identity references predominantly in generational peers.