Introduction:This article is a product of the research “Health and Psychosocial Well-Being in Organizations: Effectiveness of positive interventions to improve working life from Positive Psychology” carried out during 2016 and 2018 at Universitat Jaume I in Spain.
Problem:The changing conditions of the ecosystems, in which the organizations are immersed, correspond to the growing relationships between the different actors within and outside the organizational context. This constitutes a complex system, difficult to understand in the business context, making it difficult to act upon its structure for the generation of competitive advantages in the market, where the psycho-social construct of healthy organization is established as an emergency.
Objective:To offer an alternative solution to the theoretical divergence of building positive organizations.
Methodology:Development of a healthy organizational model, cellular type, based on a set of variables in which the GPTW and HERO models coincide, with the implementation of this structure, through a transit methodology that makes the objective of being the best place to work tangible.
Conclusion:Establishing a healthy organizational model of cellular structure allows for the perception of the organizational context through traceable and flexible variables that respond to internal and external labor changes.
Originality:The advances in relation to the psycho-social construct of the health organizations are limited due to multiple heterogeneous models, however, a homogeneous model is traced for the first time in this work, based on others that have been implemented in different entities.
Limitations:Establish an evaluation of the model to accurately adjust the relationship between variables.