Because educational buildings include a diversity of areas and a wide range of users, thermal comfort is an important design consideration. By taking into account architectural configurations including layout, space orientation, and other passive design components like courtyards, this study tries to evaluate educational facility's thermal comforts. For three months, from August to November 2022, the Najran University College of Engineering was the subject of the research. The present investigation included the assessment of interior factors of the environment, like mean radiant temperatures, relative humidity, air velocity, and air temperature. There are 148 people in the sample total-120 students and 25 staff. Simultaneously, a subjective poll was conducted asking residents to respond to a series of questions about their thermal comfort. Less than 80% of users said that the building was unpleasant in terms of heat, as shown by the ASHRAE-55 findings. The average of TSV was less than PMV's (0.34), signifying a statistically significance differences among the 2, according to the T-test. Additionally, 22.5°C is the computed neutral (comfort) temperature from TSV and 23.5°C from PMV. Along with needless high energy demands, thermal discomfort lowers productivity and may have an indirect effect on learning results.