The baobab, Adansonia digitata L., is classified as one of the five priority woody species in Burkina Faso, where it is unevenly distributed across the agrarian landscape. However, the main socio-cultural determinants of the baobab's distribution are little known. This study therefore aimed to characterize the socio-cultural structure and factors determining the distribution of the baobab in the North Central and West Central regions of Burkina Faso. The studies were based on forest inventories, socio-economic surveys and field observations of peasant farming practices. The result showed that within the same total area, the structure of baobab populations varies with the type of crop field (around individual dwellings, villages or in the bush). The tree diameter structure forms an L-shaped pattern in fields around weddings, a J-shaped pattern in bush fields and an irregular pattern in village fields. In the entire study area, baobabs are seen as malevolent trees that harbour evil spirits, but also as important medicinal and food plants. Unlike those in the West Central region, where baobab products are widely used for food and crafts, populations in the North Central region tend to use assisted natural regeneration to maintain the trees in fields around huts and villages. The low currents of baobabs in the Central West region is partly linked to local habits, to the development market gardening which has made other condiments available and to people's perceptions of the tree.Keywords: Adansonia digitata, baobab, multiple uses, medicinal plant, regeneration, Burkina Faso. . La estructura de diá-metros tiene forma de "L" en los campos de choza, de "J" en los campos de matorral e irregular en los campos de aldea. En toda el área de estudio, el baobab es considerado como una especie maléfica en la que moran espíritus, pero también como una planta alimenticia y medicinal de primer orden. Al contrario de la región Centro-Oeste, en donde los productos del baobab son muy empleados en alimentación y artesanía, las poblaciones de la región Centro-Norte lo mantienen preferentemente en los campos de choza y aldea mediante la práctica de la regeneración natural asistida. La escasa presencia del baobab en el Centro-Oeste se debe en parte a los hábitos alimentarios, pero también está relacionada con el desarrollo de la horticultura, que favorece la disponibilidad de condimentos alternativos, y con las percepciones que los habitantes tienen de este árbol.
RESUMENPalabras clave: Adansonia digitata, baobab, usos múltiples, planta medicinal, regeneración, Burkina Faso.