Noble gas measurements were performed for nine aubrites: Bishopville, Cumberland Falls, Mayo Belwa, Mount Egerton, Norton County, Peñ a Blanca Spring, Shallowater, ALHA 78113 and LAP 02233. These data clarify the origins and histories, particularly cosmic-ray exposure and regolith histories, of the aubrites and their parent body(ies). Accurate cosmic-ray exposure ages were obtained using the 81 Kr-Kr method for three meteorites: 52 ± 3, 49 ± 10 and 117 ± 14 Ma for Bishopville, Cumberland Falls and Mayo Belwa, respectively. Mayo Belwa shows the longest cosmic-ray exposure age determined by the 81 Kr-Kr method so far, close to the age of 121 Ma for Norton County. These are the longest ages among stony meteorites. Distribution of cosmic-ray exposure ages of aubrites implies 4-9 break-up events (except anomalous aubrites) on the parent body. Six aubrites show ''exposure at the surface'' on their parent body(ies): (i) neutron capture 36 Ar, 80 Kr, 82 Kr and/or 128 Xe probably produced on the respective parent body (Bishopville, Cumberland Falls, Mayo Belwa, Peñ a Blanca Spring, Shallowater and ALHA 78113); and/or (ii) chondritic trapped noble gases, which were likely released from chondritic inclusions preserved in the aubrite hosts (Cumberland Falls, Peñ a Blanca Spring and ALHA 78113). The concentrations of 128 Xe from neutron capture on 127 I vary among four measured specimens of Cumberland Falls (0.5-76 · 10 À14 cm 3 STP/g), but are correlated with those of radiogenic 129 Xe, implying that the concentrations of ( 128 Xe) n and ( 129 Xe) rad reflect variable abundances of iodine among specimens. The ratios of ( 128 Xe) n /( 129 Xe) rad obtained in this work are different for Mayo Belwa (0.045), Cumberland Falls (0.015) and Shallowater (0.001), meaning that neutron fluences, radiogenic 129 Xe retention ages, or both, are different among these aubrites. Shallowater contains abundant trapped Ar, Kr and Xe (2.2 · 10 À7 , 9.4 · 10 À10 and 2.8 · 10 À10 cm 3 STP/g, respectively) as reported previously (Busemann and Eugster, 2002). Isotopic compositions of Kr and Xe in Shallowater are consistent with those of Q (a primordial noble gas component trapped in chondrites). The Ar/Kr/Xe compositions are somewhat fractionated from Q, favoring lighter elements. Because of the unbrecciated nature of Shallowater, Q-like noble gases are considered to be primordial in origin. Fission Xe is found in Cumberland Falls, Mayo Belwa, Peñ a Blanca Spring, ALHA 78113 and LAP 02233. The majority of fission Xe is most likely 244 Pu-derived, and about 10-20% seems to be 238 U-derived at 136 Xe. The observed ( 136 Xe) Pu corresponds to 0.019-0.16 ppb of 244 Pu, from which the 244 Pu/U ratios are calculated as 0.002-0.009. These ratios resemble those of chondrites and other achondrites like eucrites, suggesting that no thermal resetting of the Pu-Xe system occurred after $4.5 Ga ago. We also determined oxygen isotopic compositions for four aubrites with chondritic noble gases and a new aubrite LAP 02233. In spite of their chondritic noble gas sign...