Colo-duodenal fistula is an uncommon complication of malignant and inflammatory bowel disease. Presentation varies from upper abdominal pain, feculent vomiting and diarrhea associated with foul eructation's. Occasionally patients presents with gastro-intestinal bleed. The contact of duodenal bile salts with colonic mucosa frequently leads to diarrhea, so also duodenal colonization with colonic pathogens frequently leads to malabsorption and severe foul eructations. The diagnosis is established either by gastrointestinal contrast studies or contrast enhanced C. T. Scan. Gastroduodenoscopy can demonstrate the fistulous communication or direct invasion and it can also be helpful in obtaining a histological diagnosis. Surgical treatment includes Right Radical hemicolectomy combined with Pancreatico duodenectomy in operable patients and Intestinal bypass for inoperable ones.Right Radical hemicolectomy combined with wedge excision of Duodenum is a suitable alternative in select cases. We report an unusual case of locally advanced carcinoma hepatic flexure of colon with direct invasion of duodenum. Extended right radical hemicolectomy with wedge excision of second part of duodenum was done as an alternative to combined radical hemicolectomy with Pancreatico duodenectomy.