This paper presents a new holistic approach that combines solutions for the future power systems. It describes clearly how solar energy is definitely the best outlet for a clean and sustainable planet, either due to their use in both vertical (V) or horizontal (H) forms such as: hydroelectric V&H, wind V&H, thermo-oceanic V&H, water movement sea V&H (tides and waves), solar thermoelectric, PV, and surface geothermal energy. New points of view and simple formulas are suggested to calculate the best characteristic intensity, storage means and frequency for specific places and how to manage the most well-known renewable sources of energy. Future renewables-based power system requires a huge amount of flexibility from different type and size of controllable energy resources. These flexible energy resources can be used in an aggregated manner to provide different ancillary services for the distribution and transmission network. In addition, flexible energy resources and renewable generation can be utilized in different kinds of energy communities and smart cities to benefit all stakeholders and society at the same time with future-proof market structures, new business models and management schemes enabling increased utilization of flexible energy resources. Many of the flexible energy resources and renewable-based generation units are also inverter-interfaced and therefore the authors present future power converter systems for energy sources as well as the latest age of multilevel converters.