There is an intimate connection between the acquisition of information and how this information changes the remaining uncertainty in the system. This trade-off between information and uncertainty plays a central role in the context of detection. Recent advances in the ability to make accurate, on-chip measurements of individual-electron current through a quantum dot 1-8 (QD) have been enabled by exploiting the sensitivity of a second current, passing through a nearby quantum point contact (QPC), to the fluctuating charge on the QD 4-8 . An important characteristic of QPC detectors is their minimal influence on the systems they probe. Here we show that even the operation of an effectively non-invasive QPC detector can statistically alter the system's behaviour. By observing a particular QPC current, the statistical distribution of the QD conditional current undergoes a substantial change in comparison to that expected for unconditional shot noise 9 . These results are in almost perfect agreement with a theoretical model we develop to predict the joint current probability distribution and conditional transport statistics of interacting nanoscale systems.Noise is generally due to randomness, which can be classical or quantum in nature. Telegraph noise, where there is random switching between two stable states 10 , originates from such diverse phenomena as thermal activation of an unstable impurity 11-13 , non-equilibrium activation of a bistable system 14-17 , switching of magnetic domain orientation [18][19][20] , or a reversible chemical reaction in a biological ion channel 21 .In nanoscale conductors, where charge motion is quantum coherent over distances comparable to the system size, shot noise and telegraph noise have recently been shown to be two sides of the same coin 6,7,22,23 . A quantum dot (QD) is sufficiently small that it is effectively zero dimensional, and behaves as an artificial atom, holding a small number of electrons. Figure 1a shows the sample used in the experiment reported here. The QD is marked by the dotted circle 24 . An extra electron can tunnel into the QD from the source lead (S), stay in the QD for a random amount of time and then tunnel out into the drain lead (D) if the applied voltage bias exceeds the temperature. This singleelectron transport produces a fluctuating electrical current. In order to detect the statistical properties of this current, a sensitive electrometer with a bandwidth much higher than the tunnelling rates is required. The electrometer is a nearby quantum point contact (QPC) that is capacitively coupled to the QD via the Coulomb interaction. The voltage-biased QPC detector transports many electrons through a narrow constriction in the surrounding two-dimensional electron gas (represented with an arrow). The resistance of the QPC is susceptible to changes in the surrounding electrostatic environment, and can therefore be used to sense the presence (or absence) of an extra electron on the QD 4 . When the extra electron tunnels into or out of the QD, the current I ...