-We show, using the macroscopic fluctuation theory of Bertini, De Sole, Gabrielli, Jona-Lasinio, and Landim, that the statistics of the current of the symmetric simple exclusion process (SSEP) connected to two reservoirs are the same on an arbitrary large finite domain in dimension d as in the one dimensional case. Numerical results on squares support this claim while results on cubes exhibit some discrepancy. We argue that the results of the macroscopic fluctuation theory should be recovered by increasing the size of the contacts. The generalization to other diffusive systems is straightforward.Introduction. -When a system is connected for a long time to two heat baths at unequal temperatures or to two reservoirs of particles at different densities, it reaches a nonequilibrium steady state, with a non vanishing current of heat or of particles. This current fluctuates with time and the study of its fluctuations and of its large deviations has become a central aspect in the theory of non equilibrium systems [4,5,12,16,19,20,23,24,26,27,29,34,35]. A quantity which characterizes these fluctuations is the probability P (Q t ) of observing an energy or a number of particles Q t flowing through the system during a time window t. A notorious property of these fluctuations is known as the fluctuation theorem [15,17,18,28] which establishes a general relation between P (Q t ) and P (−Q t ), starting from some time reversal symmetry of the microscopic dynamics. Apart from simple models, however, it is usually difficult to predict the whole shape of the distribution P (Q t ).