“…Overall, the search yielded 498 articles, and 320 remained for further evaluation after 178 duplicated articles were excluded. Of the 23 fullâtext reports remaining after title and abstract screening, four studies (DenovaâGutierrez, HernandezâRamirez, & LopezâCarrillo, ; Karagulle, Fidan, Kavgaci, & Ozdemir, ; Terry, Lagergren, Ye, Wolk, & Nyren, ; Wang et al., ) without available OR and 95% CI were ruled out, and another eight studies (Fraser, ; Gil, Ortega, & Maldonado, ; Jansen et al., ; Lafiandra, Riccardi, & Shewry, ; McCullough et al., ; Shamberger, Tytko, & Willis, ; So, Law, Law, Chan, & Chair, ; Vanamala, Massey, Pinnamaneni, Reddivari, & Reardon, ) were not included because they did not investigate cereal or grain consumption and GC risk. After this review, 11 observational studies evaluating the risk of GC remained for the analysis (Buckland et al., ; Chatenoud et al., ; Chen et al., ; De Stefani et al., ; Kasum, Jacobs, Nicodemus, & Folsom, ; Lissowska et al., ; Lucenteforte et al., ; RamĂłn, Serra, CerdĂł, & OromĂ, ; Wang et al., ; Ward, ; Zhang et al., ).…”