We consider a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling, and study the effects of magnetic s-wave and long-range nonmagnetic impurities on the spin-charge dynamics of the system. We focus on voltage induced spin polarizations and their relation to spin Hall currents. Our results are obtained using the quasiclassical Green function technique, and hold in the full range of the disorder parameter ␣p F . DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.125327 PACS number͑s͒: 72.25.Ϫb In the field of spintronics, much attention has recently been paid to spin-orbit related phenomena in semiconductors. One such phenomenon is the spin Hall effect, i.e., a spin current flowing perpendicular to an applied electric field. [1][2][3][4] It is now well known that, for linear-in-momentum spin-orbit couplings such as the Rashba or Dresselhaus ones, the spin Hall current vanishes exactly in the bulk of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas ͑2DEG͒.5-8 This can be understood by looking at the peculiar form of the continuity equations for the spin, as derived from its equations of motion in operator form.9-11 For a magnetically disordered 2DEG things are, however, different, and a nonvanishing spin Hall conductivity is found.12-14 Once more, a look at the continuity equations provides a clear and simple explanation of the effect:13 a term, whose appearance is due to magnetic impurities, directly relates in-plane spin polarizations, induced by the electric field, to spin currents. As the former, which have been the object of both theoretical and experimental studies, [15][16][17][18][19][20] are influenced by the type of nonmagnetic scatterers considered, we forgo the simplified assumption that these are s wave and take into account the full angle dependence of the scattering potential. Besides going beyond what is currently found in the literature, where, in the presence of magnetic impurities, the nonmagnetic disorder is either neglected or purely s wave, our approach also shows the interplay between polarizations and spin currents in a 2DEG. 21 We note that in the correct limits our results agree with what is found in Ref. 14. On the other hand a discrepancy with Ref. 12 arises.For the calculations we rely on the Eilenberger equation for the quasiclassical Green function in the presence of spinorbit coupling. 22 The spin-orbit energy is taken to be small compared to the Fermi energy, i.e., ␣p F Ӷ ⑀ F -or equivalently ␣ Ӷ v F , and the standard metallic regime condition 1 / Ӷ ⑀ F is also assumed. Here ␣ is the spin-orbit coupling constant, p F ͑v F ͒ the Fermi momentum ͑velocity͒ in the absence of such coupling, and the elastic quasiparticle lifetime due to nonmagnetic scatterers. Our results hold for a wide range of values of the dimensionless parameter ␣p F since this is not restricted by the above assumptions. Contributions of order ͑␣ / v F ͒ 2 are neglected throughout. We focus on intrinsic effects in the Rashba model; extrinsic ones, 23 Dresselhaus terms, 24 and hole gases 25 are not taken into account. Fina...