the aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between 2 regions of maxillary voxel-based registration and to test the reproducibility of the registration.
3D models were built for before treatment (T1) and after treatment (T2) Cone Beam CTs for 16 growing subjects. Landmarks were labeled in all T2 models of the maxilla, and voxel-based registration was performed independently by two observers, at two different times, using two different reference regions: 1) the Maxilla region (MAX) included the maxillary bone clipped inferiorly at the dentoalveolar processes, superiorly at the plane passing through the right and left orbitale points, laterally at the zygomatic processes through the orbitale point, and posteriorly at a plane passing through the distal surface of the second molars. 2) the Palate and Infra-zygomatic region (PIZ) had different posterior and anterior limits (at the plane passing through the distal of the first molar and distal of the canines, respectively). The differences between the registration regions were measured by comparing the distances between corresponding landmarks in the T2 registered models and comparing corresponding x,y,z coordinates from corresponding landmarks. Statistical analysis of the differences between T2 surface models was performed by evaluating the means and standard deviations of the distances between landmarks and by testing the agreement between coordinates from corresponding landmarks (ICC and Bland-Altman method).
The means of the differences between landmarks from PIZ to MAX 3D T2 surface models for all of the regions of reference, times of registrations and observers combinations were smaller than 0.5 mm. The ICC and the Bland-Altman plots indicated adequate concordance.
Both regions of regional maxillary registration (MAX and PIZ) showed similar results and adequate intra- and inter-observer reproducibility.