The classical PRA methods, such as Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Reliability block Diagram (RBD) are widely accepted throughout nuclear industry. ET/FT are generally based on static Boolean logic structure. ET is used to inductively model the accident progression to dictate all possible accident sequences based on engineering judgment and thermo-hydraulic analysis. FT is used to deductively model the system failure by a top-down, hierarchical tree to analyze all the possible combinations of failure events. But PRA methodology faces challenges including the treatment of time dependent interactions (accident dynamics) and the propagation of physical process uncertainties to risk. Dynamic PRA (DPRA) have been developed since 1980s. Under the framework of DPRA, many methods can lead to a more realistic risk assessment for nuclear power plant, originating from Dynamic Event Tree Analysis Method (DETAM; Acosta and Siu, 1992; Siu, 1994), Dynamic Logical Analytical Methodology (DYLAM; Cojazzi, 1996), Dynamic Event Tree (DET; Acosta and Siu, 1993). DPRA evaluates the timing and sequencing of events in accident progression and identifies the failure paths under all possible accident scenarios. DPRA is also treated as simulation-based PRA (Mosleh, 2014), or Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Assessment (IDPSA), and related reviews and literatures can be found in the references (Aldemir, 2013; Zio, 2014). Among DPRA methods, DET can partially solve the problem of timing and ordering by coupling the stochastic analysis (reliability) with accident simulation. Along with theoretical research, mature modeling, and computational tools of DPRA have been developed for risk quantification and uncertainty analysis, like Accident