Aim :
Methodology :Results :
Interpretation :The present study aimed to produce and characterize polyhydroxyalkanoates by exploring high yielding bacterial isolates from fish industrial effluents.Industrial effluents samples were collected and processed for physico-chemical parameter and bacteriological analysis. The polyhydroxyalkanoates production efficacies of bacterial isolates were evaluated using submerged fermentation process and its primary characterization was carried out using fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy.Out of thirty three, five bacterial isolates showed accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates granule under Sudan black staining. These bacterial isolates were affiliated to genus (DS1 and DH1), (DP1 and DI4) and sp. DD5, based on morpho-physiological characterization. Under optimized condition, sp. DD5 produced 2.2 g l polyhydroxyalkanoate from 3.0 g of dry cell biomass. The Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy primary structural characterization study depict high intense peak at 1720.50 cm corresponding to ester carbonyl (C=O) stretching vibration of polyhydroxybutyrate, which is the most common homopolymer of polyhydroxyalkanoates. This is the first report giving insight on non-growth associated polyhydroxybutyrate production (2.2 g l ) by sp. DD5 under submerged fermentation process, and further structural and thermal characterization is highly indispensible for application of polyhydroxybutyrate.
Aeromonas Zobellella Zobellella