Abstract. This study determines the preconditions and significance of the development of the system of financial security of the banking sector (FSBS) of the national economy, reveals gaps in modern coverage of this issue and highlights the approaches to the development of the system of FSBS provision. The author has critically analyzed the views of researchers on the provision of FSBS described in the economic literature and theses on this issue. It has been discovered that the issues of definition of the specific objects of banking security remains unsolved; providing FSBS is sometimes limited by the development and implementation of its strategy, which does not take into account the whole set of close ties of different economic agents, their various entities and government agencies, sectors of the national economy, as well as existing differences in their economic / financial interests; the destructive influence of the endogenous environment of the banking sector is not taken into account. According to the author’s definition, presented in the article, the system of FSBS provision is an organic combination of security subsystems that are continuously developing on a stable planned basis by the system entities to achieve its goals, perform tasks of a conceptual / strategic nature according to object-oriented approach to FSBS provision; a set of optimally alternative and coordinated preventive, current and corrective measures. Based on the study it has been defined what determines the effectiveness of such a system. It has been also determined that the development and further functioning of the system of FSBS provision should be based on the relevant concept, strategy, policy, priorities and current measures, reasonable definition of goals and objectives of such system, its subject, objects and subjects, principles of development and functioning, mechanisms, methods and tools for providing FSBS, determining reserves to increase its level as well as high-quality security support subsystems of the system of FSBS provision. The author’s vision of the components of the development of system of FSBS provision is described.
Keywords: financial security, financial security system of the banking sector, principles of development of the financial security system of the banking sector, purpose, objective, object, subject, banking sector
JEL Classification G21
Formulas: 0; fig.: 1; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 12.