ABSTRACT.This study aimed to analyze the convective drying in fixed bed of yellow passion fruit bagasse. Firstly, the initial moisture of the bagasse was determined in stove, at 105 ± 3ºC for 24 hours. In the drying tests, it was collected the bagasse mass values over time, by using a convective dryer, operated at four temperatures (35, 45, 55 and 65ºC) and three air flow speeds at 0.8, 1.0 and 1.3 m s -1. Having the curves of the drying and of drying rates, it was observed that the temperature had a great influence on the bagasse drying, since as the temperature increases, the drying time is shortened, increasing thus the drying rate. The curves of drying and of drying rate were fitted to the models proposed by Page (1949 apud MOTTA LIMA et al., 2003and Motta Lima et al. (2002), and the models set by Hogdes (1982) and Toffoli (2005 apud SANTOS et al., 2008, respectively. Other mathematical models were also fitted for each drying process, such as: Simple Exponential, Page, Henderson and Pabis, Logarithm, two-term exponential model, and Wang and Singh model. The best model was chosen by analysis of the highest R² and F-test, and the lowest root mean square error.Keywords: convective drying, drying curves, mathematical models adjustments.Análise da cinética de secagem do bagaço do maracujá amarelo RESUMO. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a secagem convectiva em leito fixo do bagaço do maracujá amarelo. Primeiramente, determinou-se a umidade inicial do bagaço em estufa, durante 24h a 105 ± 3ºC. Nos ensaios de secagem, foram coletados os valores de massa do bagaço em função do tempo, utilizando-se um secador convectivo, operado em quatro temperaturas (35, 45, 55 . Por meio das curvas de secagem e da taxa de secagem, observou-se que a temperatura exerce grande influência na secagem do bagaço, pois quando se aumenta a temperatura ocorre a diminuição do tempo de secagem e consequente aumento na taxa. As curvas de secagem e de taxa de secagem foram ajustadas aos modelos propostos por Page (1949 apud MOTTA LIMA et al., 2003