We study classical and quantum hidden symmetries of a particle with electric charge e in the background of a Dirac monopole of magnetic charge g subjected to an additional central potential V (r) = U (r) + (eg) 2 /2mr 2 with U (r) = 1 2 mω 2 r 2 , similar to that in the one-dimensional conformal mechanics model of de Alfaro, Fubini and Furlan (AFF). By means of a non-unitary conformal bridge transformation, we establish a relation of the quantum states and of all symmetries of the system with those of the system without harmonic trap, U (r) = 0. Introducing spin degrees of freedom via a very special spin-orbit coupling, we construct the osp(2|2) superconformal extension of the system with unbroken N = 2 Poincaré supersymmetry and show that two different superconformal extensions of the one-dimensional AFF model with unbroken and spontaneously broken supersymmetry have a common origin. We also show a universal relationship between the dynamics of a Euclidean particle in an arbitrary central potential U (r) and the dynamics of a charged particle in a monopole background subjected to the potential V (r).To solve the vector equation in (2.4) in the case J 2 > ν 2 , which we will assume in what follows, we decompose n into the component parallel to the angular momentum and the orthogonal component,whereĴ is the unit vector in the direction of J . Since the parallel component n is constant, we conclude that the orthogonal component n ⊥ (t) has constant length and thus describes a circle in the plane orthogonal to J , n ⊥ (t) = n ⊥ (0) cos ϕ(t) +Ĵ × n ⊥ (0) sin ϕ(t) .(2.15) Here, θ, ϕ and ψ are the Euler angles, 0 ≤ ϕ, ψ < 2π, 0 ≤ θ < π, and J i J i = K a K a = J 2 . The common eigenstates of J 2 , J 3 and K 3 satisfying relations