The past 10 years has witnessed a dramatic shift in customer's orientation from goods-dominant to servicedominant logic (Vargo, Merz, He, & Vargo, 2014). Salespeople not only sell a product or service, but also focus on helping customers to make the right decision to buy a satisfactory product or service (Singh & Koshy, 2012). Salespeople's entrepreneurial behavior, such as innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk taking (Amyx, Bhuian, & Shows, 2016), helps a company to increase sales and foster customer relationships. The present study aims to examine the impact of salespeoples' entrepreneurial behavior on customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, and loyalty. This impact in the context of banking industry is examined using structural equation model. The study results found that salespeople's entrepreneurial behavior affected customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, and loyalty.