With the recent interests with culture technologies, many studies for recommendation systems have been done. In this vein, various music recommendation systems have been developed. However, they have often focused on the technical aspects such as feature extraction and similarity comparison, and have not sufficiently addressed them in user-centered perspectives. For users' high satisfaction with recommended music items, it is necessary to study how the items are connected to the users' actual desires. For this, our study proposes a novel music recommendation method based on serendipity, which means the freshness users feel for their familiar items. The serendipity is measured through the comparison of users' past and recent listening tendencies. We utilize neural networks to apply these tendencies to the recommendation process and to extract the features of music items as MFCCs (Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients). In that the recommendation method is developed based on the characteristics of user behaviors, it is expected that user satisfaction for the recommended items can be actually increased. †