The dynamics of two symmetrically coupled populations of rotators is studied for different values of the inertia. The system is characterized by different types of solutions, which all coexist with the fully synchronized state. At small inertia the system is no more chaotic and one observes mainly quasiperiodic chimeras, while the usual (stationary) chimera state is not anymore observable. At large inertia one observes two different kind of chaotic solutions with broken symmetry: the intermittent chaotic chimera, characterized by a synchronized population and a population displaying a turbulent behaviour, and a second state where the two populations are both chaotic but whose dynamics adhere to two different macroscopic attractors. The intermittent chaotic chimeras are characterized by a finite life-time, whose duration increases as a power-law with the system size and the inertia value. Moreover, the chaotic population exhibits clear intermittent behavior, displaying a laminar phase where the two populations tend to synchronize, and a turbulent phase where the macroscopic motion of one population is definitely erratic. In the thermodynamic limit these states survive for infinite time and the laminar regimes tends to disappear, thus giving rise to stationary chaotic solutions with broken symmetry contrary to what observed for chaotic chimeras on a ring geometry.In 2002, simulations of abstract mathematical models revealed the existence of counterintuitive "chimera states", where an oscillator population splits into two parts, with one synchronizing and the other oscillating incoherently, even though the oscillators are identical. Since then, these counterintuitive states have become a relevant subject of investigation for experimental and theoretical scientists active in different fields, as testified by the rapidly increasing number of publications in recent years (for a review see [1, 2]). In this paper we analyze novel chimera states emerging in two symmetrically coupled populations of oscillators with inertia. In particular, the introduction of inertia allows the oscillators to synchronize via the adaptation of their own frequencies, in analogy with the mechanism observed in the firefly Pteroptix malaccae [3]. The modification of the classical Kuramoto model with the addition of an inertial term results in first order synchronization transitions and complex hysteretic phenomena [4][5][6][7][8][9]. Furthermore, networks of rotators have recently found applications in different technological contexts, including disordered arrays of Josephson junctions [10] and electrical power grids [11][12][13][14] and they could also be relevant for micro-electromechanical systems and optomechanical crystals, where chimeras and other partially disordered states likely play an important role with far reaching ramifications.