A sequence of three strong (MW7.2, 6.4, 6.6) earthquakes struck the Pamir of Central Asia in 2015-2017. With a local seismic network, we recorded the succession of the fore-, main-, and aftershock sequences at local distances with good azimuthal coverage. We located 11,784 seismic events and determined 33 earthquake moment tensors. The seismicity delineates the tectonic structures of the Pamir in unprecedented detail, i.e., the thrusts that absorb shortening along the Pamir’s thrust front, and the strike-slip and normal faults that dissect the Pamir Plateau into a westward extruding block and a northward advancing block. Ruptures on the kinematically dissimilar faults were activated subsequently from the initial MW7.2 Sarez event at times and distances that follow a diffusion equation. All mainshock areas but the initial one exhibited foreshock activity, which was not modulated by the occurrence of the earlier earthquakes. Modeling of the static Coulomb stress changes indicates that aftershock triggering occurred over distances of ≤90 km on favorably oriented faults. The third event in the sequence, the MW6.6 Muji earthquake, ruptured despite its repeated stabilization through stress transfer in the order of -10 kPa. To explain the accumulation of MW > 6 earthquakes, we reason that the initial mainshock may have increased nearby fault permeability, and facilitated fluid migration into the mature fault zones, eventually triggering the later large earthquakes.