time, led to the development of treatments for heavily impairing conditions following traumatic injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, or mental disorders. [1] Although the potential impact of neurotechnology is enormous, its clinical use nowadays is still limited. Many devices require invasive surgery, with related high risks that not always overcome the benefits for the patients. A big step in this direction has been the development of neurovascular interfaces which interact with the neural tissue from within blood vessels. Endovascular procedures are considerably less invasive, are routinely performed and allow for short recovery time. [2] Moreover, neurovascular interfaces do not require craniotomies, reducing the risks associated with the surgical procedure (e.g., susceptibility to seizures). These advantages could increase the chance of patients accepting the treatment.Neurovascular interfaces developed so far are wires or catheters used as electrodes. Even though these solutions opened the doors to endovascular neural recording and stimulation, their main limitations were the short-term application and the low spatial resolution. The introduction of stentelectrode arrays (e.g., Stentrode) overcame these issues, [2] and the advantages of this technology have been recently demonstrated in preclinical and clinical trials for brain-computer-interface. [3][4][5][6] Also, seventeen potential medical targets have been identified where intravascular neuromodulation could replace invasive deep brain stimulation protocols. [7] By accessing the internal cerebral vein or the anterior communicating artery, it would be possible to perform minimally invasive neuromodulation for a wide range of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, essential tremor, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. [7] Furthermore, neurovascular interfaces could be as well applied to the peripheral system for pain relief, motor deficits, bladder control, and stimulation of muscles, among others. However, the main drawback of stent-electrode arrays is the metallic scaffold. A conductive substrate for electrodes makes insulation critical and shortcuts frequent. [3] Also, metallic stents could induce a strong inflammatory response, that could reduce the performances of a neural interface. [8][9][10][11] For conventional stent technology, this limitation already led to the development of bioresorbable devices, allowing for a better interaction with the tissue and placement in mechanically solicited areas. [12] Neural interfaces are used to mitigate the burden of traumatic injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, and mental disorders. However, the transient or permanent placement of an interface in close contact with the neural tissue requires invasive surgery, potentially entailing both short-and long-term complications. To tackle this problem, a transient neurovascular interface for neural recording and stimulation is developed. This endovascular array has been fabricated with facile molding techniques using solely polymeric mat...