ABSTRACT:The dipole moments of cis and trans-1,3-dichloro-, 1,3-dibromo-, and 1,3-diiodocyclobutanes were obtained. The deviation from planarity (angle of puckering) was calculated from the dipole moments. In all cases, the compounds were found to be non-planar (puckered). Although the angle strain increases slightly for a non-planar ring, the decrease in torsional strain becomes more important. For the cisseries, it was found that the angle of puckering was largest for the 1,3-diiodocyclobutane. For the trans-series the angle of puckering was the least for the 1,3-diiodocyclobutane. trans-1,3-Dibromo-1,3-dimethylcyclobutane has the least amount of puckering of all the compounds studied.