“…Initially,D PV of free [10]CPP in o-DCB revealed an oxidation peak at 0.88 V ( Figure 4). On addition of 0.25 equivalents of (C 59 N) 2 ,abroad oxidation signal appeared, which upon addition of further (C 59 N) 2 resulted in the evolution of two peaks,a t0 .68 Va nd 0.84 V. When excess (C 59 N) 2 was added, the peak at 0.68 Vbecame stronger than that at 0.84 V. Overall, considering the [10]CPP'-(C 59 N) 2 &[10]CPP complex, the [10]CPP oxidation potential was cathodically shifted by approximately 40 mV,c orroborating the easier oxidation of [10]CPP when complexed with the azafullerene.T his behavior is in contrast to the [10]CPP'C 60 but compares to the 20 mV shift observed for Li@C 60 [16] confirming the development of charge-transfer phenomena from the CPP to azafullerene as suggested by the calculations.I nterestingly,asecond oxidation peak, at even less-positive potentials developed, corresponding to the oxidation of the second CPP of the [10]CPP'(C 59 N) 2 &- [10]CPP complex, which shows increased charge transfer with its fullerene host, in agreement with our calculated charge states of the [10]CPP pair on the dimer. This splitting is also reflected in the HOMO and LUMO states ( Figure 5).…”