The age of pelagic Panthalassic deep-sea bedded chert has been assigned based on radiolarian biostratigraphy. However, Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy is in many cases not precisely correlated to the conodont zones and the standard geological timescale. In this study, we investigated the conodont biostratigraphy of two radiolarian-controlled bedded chert sections of Anisian age: the Ajiro Island section in Oita Prefecture and the Kurusu section in Aichi Prefecture. We recognised six conodont biozones in the studied sections: the upper Olenekian Novispathodus brevissimus-Icriospathodus collinsoni and Triassospathodus homeri Zones, the lower Anisian Chiosella timorensis Zone, the middle Anisian Paragondolella bulgarica Zone, the upper Anisian Paragondolella excelsa Zone and the uppermost Anisian to lowermost Ladinian Paragondolella trammeri Zone. These conodont zones were successfully correlated to the standard Triassic radiolarian zonation proposed by Sugiyama (1997, Bull. Mizunami