Cyclotron resonance (CR) is a method for measuring the effective masses of charge carriers in solids. It is by far the most direct and accurate method for providing such information. In the simplest description, the principle of the method can be stated as follows. A particle of effective mass
and charge
in a DC magnetic field
executes a helical motion around
with the cyclotron frequency
. If, at the same time, an AC electric field of frequency
is applied to the system, perpendicular to
, the particle will resonantly absorb energy from the AC field. Since
and/or ω can be continuously swept through the resonance and known to a very high degree of accuracy,
can be directly determined with high accuracy by
As a secondary purpose, one can also use CR to study carrier scattering phenomena in solids by examining the scattering lifetime τ (the time between collisions, also known as the collision time or the transport/momentum relaxation time), which can be found from the linewidth of CR peaks.
Although this article is mainly concerned with the simplest case of free carrier CR in bulk semiconductors, one can also study a wide variety of FIR magneto‐optical phenomena with essentially the same techniques as CR. These phenomena (“derivatives” of CR) include: (a) spin‐flip resonances, (b) resonances of bound carriers, (c) polaronic coupling, and (d) 1‐D and 2‐D magneto‐plasmon excitations.
It is important to note that all the early CR studies were carried out on semiconductors, not on metals.
Many techniques can provide information on effective masses, but none can rival CR for directness and accuracy. Effective masses can be estimated from the temperature dependence of the amplitude of the galvanomagnetic effects.
The basic theory and experimental methods of cyclotron resonance are presented in this article. Basic theoretical background is presented. A detailed description is given of the actual experimentation procedures. Finally, typical data analysis procedures are presented.