Karst rivers in Croatia are common phenomena and known biodiversity hotspots for many different groups of organisms. Due their importance from a natural, cultural and socio-economic point of view, most of them are protected as National Parks. Diatoms in these habitats are not well known, and recently detailed study has been started. During observations of samples from Lake Visovac on Krka River, one Aneumastus species with specific morphological features, has been recorded. The species is characterized by linear valves with almost parallel margins in the mid-valve, rostrate apices and striae that are partly biseriate, coarsely punctate and distantly spaced. In this study, it is described as a new species Aneumastus visovacensis sp. nov. Its morphology is documented with light and scanning electron microscopy, described in detail, and compared with the most similar species from A. tusculus species complex.