undiÚ erentiated ( embryonal) sarcoma is an unusual malignant liver tumor with an over-u Hepatic whelming predilection f or children. Fine needl e aspiration ( F N A ) cytolog y of these tumors rarely has been descr ibed in the literature. In this report, we descr ibed the clinical, radiolog ic, cytomorpholog ic, histopathol og ic,
immunohistochemical, and D N A ploidy features of a similar tumor in an 18 year-old patient. T he FN A smears showed clusters and isolated tumor cells with mark ed variation in morpholog y including spindle cells, larg e bizarre anaplastic cells, and g iant tumor cells. T he histopatholog ic sections recapitulated the varied morpholog ic patterns within the tumor cells and also show ed characteristic eosinophilic intra-and extracytoplasmic g lobules. D N A ploidy studies, by imag e analysis, dem onstrated this tumor as an aneuploid tumor, indicating poor prog nosis. F N A cytolog y can be utilized as a sensitivescreening tool f or these rare tumors.
K eywords embryonal sarcoma, liver, undiÚ erentiated sarcomaAddress correspondence to Ossam a Taw k, M D, P hD, Depart men t of Pat hology and L ab oratory M edicine, 3901 R ain bow Blvd., K ansas City, Kansas 66160, USA, E-m ail : otaw k@ kumc.ed u Pediatric P athology and M olecular M edicine 18 : [221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229] 1999