Chelsey C. Spriggs works in the field of DNA viral entry with a specific interest in virus-host interactions. In this mSphere of Influence article, she reflects on how two papers, “The HCMV assembly compartment is a dynamic Golgi-derived MTOC that controls nuclear rotation and virus spread” (D. J. Procter, A. Banerjee, M. Nukui, K. Kruse, et al., Dev Cell 45:83–100.e7, 2018, and “Cytoplasmic control of intranuclear polarity by human cytomegalovirus” (D. J. Procter, C. Furey, A. G. Garza-Gongora, S. T. Kosak, D. Walsh, Nature 587:109–114, 2020,, impacted her research by reinforcing the scientific value in using viruses to understand cell biology.