This article proposes an indicator for measuring the hierarchy of academic production in Brazilian political science, based on Qualis, the impact factor and the share of articles on Political Science in selected journals. The dataset comprises 23 renowned national journals. Findings show that disciplinary traditions emphasizing institutional analysis as well as quantitative and nomothetic approaches, based on the proposition and testing of hypotheses and causal arguments predominate. This state of affairs, in turn, is explained by particular parameters for evaluating the academic production, that is, the institutionalization of a specific disciplinary view, a scientificpolitological one.Keywords: Brazilian political science; hierarchy of production; Qualis; disciplinary traditions; evaluation.igorous production about a discipline, particularly by its own initiative, is a sign of maturity. Recent literature on Brazilian political science shows the considerable degree of complexity and relative intellectual wealth achieved. Over the past 15 years, a myriad of areas, approaches and journals have arisen, ever more extensively since its conception as an autonomous discipline in the * http://dx.doi. org/10.1590/1981-38212016000100006 For replicating data, see
V The Stratification of Diversity: Measuring the Hierarchy of Brazilian Political Science(2016) 10 (1) e0006 -2/29 late 1960s 1 . The institutional development of the discipline run along this process, as shown by the growth of post-graduate courses and the establishment of objective criteria for evaluating academic institutions and research 2 . In this sense, the objectification of these criteria makes explicit certain stratification mechanisms that had previously remained more or less implicit, relying on subjective evaluation among peers. In other words, the growing maturity of the discipline allows for a clearer identification of the principles that, at the same time, differentiate and stratify it.However, this measurement of the discipline -its hierarchy -has not yet been systematically addressed in the literature. Analyses of the history of the discipline focus on the trajectory of themes, approaches and groups of political and social scientists in the constitution of the discipline, some favoring endogenous factors of the academic field, such as Quirino (1994), Almeida (2001), Peixoto (2001 and Marenco (2015), and others favoring exogenous factors, such as Arruda (2001) and Miceli (1990Miceli ( , 1993, as well as hybrid approaches such as Lamounier (1982), Trindade (2007, 2012) and Forjaz (1997. They answer to questions such as what are the theoretical and methodological influences of the discipline, what were the main groups that contributed to its formation, in which university environment they were formed and what political context influenced them. In all cases, the hierarchy of the discipline is more or less implicit in the transformations described and in the themes and approaches highlighted, but it is not ...