“…The acronyms refer to extended names of viroids: apple dimple fruit viroid (ADFVd), apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd), Australian grapevine viroid (AGVd), avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd), chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid (CChMVd), citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd), citrus bent leaf viroid (CBLVd), citrus dwarfing viroid (CDVd), citrus viroid V (CVd V), citrus viroid VI (CVd VI), coconut cadang-cadang viroid (CCCVd), coconut tinangaja viroid (CTiVd), coleus blumei viroid 1 (CbVd-1), coleus blumei viroid 2 (CbVd-2), coleus blumei viroid 3 (CbVd-3), grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd-1), grapevine yellow speckle viroid 2 (GYSVd-2), eggplant latent viroid (ELVd), hop latent viroid (HLVd), hop stunt viroid (HSVd), peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd), pear blister canker viroid (PBCVd). The acronyms of members of the genus Pospiviroid refer to extended names of viroids according to Table 2 Similar to the situation with CLVd, the need to formally consider whether DLVd belongs to a novel species [63] offers an opportunity to revisit this decision in the light of new evidence. DLVd, with less than 56% sequence identity to other viroids, displays characteristic features of members of the family Pospiviroidae, including a predicted rod-like secondary structure of minimum free energy with a CCR identical to that of HSVd (genus Hostuviroid).…”