Using a new test rig the characteristics related to the thermal fatigue resistance for ICDP (Indefinite Chill Double Pour) cast iron for hot working rolls was investigated. Tests were carried out at 600°C to obtain the characteristics of cracks at (500, 1000 and 1500) cycles. For comparative purposes, additionally a test at 500°C was carried out. The average length of all the cracks, their density, average length of five longest cracks and relevant microstructural characteristics for the mentioned cycles were determined. It was found that the cracks initiation and their growth are related to the cracking and spalling of the carbides, shape of graphite, distribution of carbides and graphite particles, oxidation, etc. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the thermal cracking of selected roll cast iron. Based on these results the suggestions for improving the thermal fatigue resistance for the cast iron roll are given. Keywords: roll cast iron, thermal fatigue, cementite, graphite, cracks Novo razvita naprava je bila uporabljena za raziskave lastnosti ICDP litega`eleza, ki so povezane z odpornostjo na termi~no utrujanjem. Zna~ilnosti razpok so bile dolo~ene po (500, 1000 in 1500) ciklih, pri 600°C. Za primerjavo je bilo izvedenih nekaj testiranj tudi pri 500°C. Na osnovi rezultatov testiranj je bilo za vsako {tevilo ciklov dolo~ena povpre~na dol`ina vseh dobljenih razpok, njihova gostota, povpre~na dol`ina petih najdalj{ih razpok, vklju~no z ostalimi relevantnimi mikrostrukturnimi zna~ilnostmi. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta nukleacija in rast razpok tesno povezana s pokanjem in drobljenjem karbidov, z geometrijo grafita, z volumsko porazdelitvijo karbidov ter grafitnih delcev, z oksidacijo, itd. Rezultati prispevajo k bolj{emu razumevanju termi~nega pokanja izbranega materiala za valje. Na osnovi predstavljenih rezultatov so podani predlogi za izbolj{anje odpornosti litega`eleza za valje na termi~no utrujanje.