A study of the wood-associated invertebrates was undertaken in seven streams of the Coast and Cascade Mountains of Oregon. The amount of wood debris was determined in terms of both weight and surface area. Standing crop of wood per unit area decreases with increasing stream order. Parameters Coast Range Cascade Range Geologic origin Sedimentary Volcanic Tyee sandstone Breccias and tuff Streambed Unconsolidated Consolidated-armored Substrate size Sand and gravel Boulders, rubble and boles Degree days (°C/year) 3600 2700 Rainfall (cm) 250 220 Age of old-growth coniferous ca. 130 ca. 450 forest (years) Dominant terrestrial Ainus rubra, Acer macro-Pseudotsuga menziesii, vegetation phyllum, Pseudotsuga Tsuga heterophylla, Acer menziesii, Rubus spectabilis circinatum, T h u j a plicata, Acer macrophyllum Hydrologic pattern Autumn-winter rains Autumn-winter rains Spring snowmelt