To be able to bring progress to the company and result in the creation of job satisfaction an employee requires employees who have a high work ethic. Apart from the work ethic, the existence of job insecurity also has an impact on employee job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work ethic and job insecurity on job satisfaction. The sample used 86 respondents. The data analysis technique used the validity test, reliability, classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination, t, and F. The results show that work ethic has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, job insecurity has a significant negative effect on job satisfaction, and simultaneously work ethic and job insecurity are significant towards job satisfaction. The amount of influence of the independent variables on job satisfaction is 52.9%. Suggestions that can be given are PT. Danamas Insan Kreasi Andalan (DIKA) Denpasar is expected to provide motivation to its employees, provide opportunities for promotion for employees, and always supervise employees at work.