Mt Haryono No. 167 Malang 65145, East Java-INDONESIA Regional planning ignoring the level ability of area will cause the area damage and will influence the fluctuation of water ability in the catchment. The effort of evaluation and regional planning, which is based on water availability and demand, will give the benefit illustration in the water resources management. This study intended to analyse the discharge model for regional planning based on rainfall, evaporation, soil condition, and land use area in the catchment so that the impact of produced discharge of the regional function can be suitable. The water balance method is used for building the discharge model. The location of the study is determined by considering the data availability on the rainfall and the discharge recorder. The methodologies consist of the field survey, the analysis of the catchment map and the river network by using the geographical information system (GIS). The result of the discharge modelling in the Lesti sub-catchment shows that the influenced factors are Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/1 rainfall, evapotranspiration, water holding capacity, and water surplus in the soil. The relation between the four factors indicates that the variance inflation factor (VIF) is less than 10. It means that there is no multi-co-linearity among the four independent variables. The discharge value is expected to be suitable to use as regional planning of the upstream catchment by considering water balance and catchment maintenance.