[Analysis Of The Effect Of Demographic Factors Towards Long Qarantine Of Nurses Exposed By Covid-19 In Central Java] Nurses as health workers at the forefront of the Covid-19 pandemic tend to be very prone to suffer physical and mental health problems due to workloads and also other factors during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the effect of demographic factors on the length of the quarantine period for nurses exposed to Covid-19 by using a quantitative descriptive technique and a cross sectional approach. The google form questionnaire method is used as an instrument in data collection and processed utilize chi square analysis. The results showed that of the 91 respondents with varying age distributions, the majority were 36-40 years old (30.8%), female (71.4%), the educational background was diploma (57.1%), the majority were married. (81%), occupied the position of nurse (89%). With an average income of IDR 2,000,000-IDR 4,999,999 (58.5%), the majority of nurses have 3-5 dependents (41%) and most of the respondents live in the southern region of Central Java (63.7%). Place of quarantine variable, the results showed that some respondents with no symptoms or mild symptoms were advised to selfquarantine at home (65.9%). This provides a sense of security and calm for the respondent which influences psychological factors, thereby accelerating the quarantine period in addition to paying attention to other factors outside the research. By getting p value of 0.019> 0.05, it is concluded that the place of quarantine has an influence on the quarantine period for nurses exposed to Covid-19.