Teaching innovation is commonly associated with memory and comprehension improvement as well as improvement of examination results. However, some studies connect innovation with the purpose of da'wah. However, no studies were found to directly link teaching and da'wah innovation. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the appropriate topics of da'wah and the forms of da'wah innovation to students. The study was conducted qualitatively using a case study design. Eight study participants were selected based on the purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using in -depth and semi -structured interviews and document analysis. The findings showed that the study participants agreed that all topics in Islamic Education were suitable to be innovated for the purpose of da'wah. However, the most appropriate topic is prayer. Additionally, voice-based innovation is the most suitable form of innovation for da'wah. The findings of this study provide input to teachers to produce teaching innovations for the purpose of da'wah.