We report measurements of the temperature dependent anisotropies (γ λ and γ ξ ) of both the London penetration depth λ and the upper critical field of MgB2. Data for γ λ = λc/λa was obtained from measurements of λa and λc on a single crystal sample using a tunnel diode oscillator technique. γ ξ = H c c2 /H ⊥c c2 was deduced from field dependent specific heat measurements on the same sample. γ λ and γ ξ have opposite temperature dependencies, but close to Tc tend to a common value (γ λ ≃ γ ξ = 1.75 ± 0.05). These results are in good agreement with theories accounting for the two gap nature of MgB2.The existence of two superconducting gaps in MgB 2 [1] leads to an unusually strong temperature dependence in the anisotropy of the upper critical field, Refs. 2,3,4,5). The maximum value of γ ξ ≃ 6 is found at the lowest temperatures where it is dominated by the anisotropy in the quasi two dimensional σ bands. At higher temperatures, γ ξ is substantially reduced due to the increasing contribution of the more isotropic π band [5]. The anisotropy of the penetration depth, γ λ = λ c /λ a , is predicted to have a markedly different temperature dependence to that of H c2 [4,6]. At zero temperature, in the clean local limit, the anisotropy in the penetration depth is determined only by the anisotropy in the Fermi velocity v F and not by the anisotropy in the gap [7]. Band structure calculations [8] show that the average v F is approximately isotropic suggesting that λ is similarly isotropic at low temperature [4]. As temperature is increased it has been predicted [4,6] that γ λ increases markedly because of the more rapid reduction of the superfluid density on the π sheets (where the gap is smaller) than on the σ sheets.There have been several experimental measurements of the temperature dependence of γ ξ . Although there were some disagreements in early measurements, the most recent data [2, 3, 9] agree well with the theoretical predictions [4,5]. Significantly less experimental data has been reported on γ λ . Measurements of the distortion of the vortex lattice by neutron scattering [10] and scanning tunneling spectroscopy [11] suggest that at low temperature the anisotropy is small, γ λ = 1.2 ± 0.1. γ λ has also been estimated from the anisotropy of H c1 (γ Hc1 = H c c1 /H ⊥c c1 ). There has been some disagreement between different studies (see Ref. 12) but recent data [12] suggest that at low T , γ Hc1 ≃ 1 and there is an upward trend in γ Hc1 near T c . However, γ Hc1 may not be simply related to γ λ in MgB 2 because of two gap effects. In this paper, we present direct measurements of the temperature dependencies of λ a and λ c in single crystal samples of MgB 2 in the Meissner state, using a sensitive radio frequency technique. Our data show that γ λ increases as T → T c , in agreement with theoretical predictions. Measurements of H c2 anisotropy in the same crystals show that the values of γ λ and γ ξ converge as T → T c .Single crystals of MgB 2 were grown using a high pressure technique described elsewhere [13]. Som...