Focal-plane avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are being more and more widely and deeply studied to satisfy the requirement in weak light and single photon imaging. The progresses of this worldwide study, especially the distinctive researches and achievements in Southwest Institute of Technical Physics and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China are reviewed in this chapter. We successfully fabricated up to 64 × 1 linear-mode Si APD arrays, and 32 × 32-64 × 64 Si single-photon avalanche detector (SPAD) arrays, and applied them in Laser Detection and Ranging (LADAR) platforms like driverless vehicles. Also, we developed 32 × 32-64 × 64 InGaAsP/InP SPAD arrays, and constructed three-dimensional imaging LADAR using them. Together with the progresses of other groups and other materials, we see a prospective future for the development and application of focal-plane APDs.