Motivated by recent work on the Symmergent black hole [Phys. Dark Univ. 10.1016/j.dark.2021.100900, 2021, here we study spinning black holes in Symmergent gravity, with spin parameter a. The goal is to uncover the deviations caused by the Symmergent gravity parameters relative to the known Kerr solution. To this aim, we first investigate the deviations in the photon sphere and shadow size. The EHT data was used to find constraints to cO that fit well in M87* within ±1σ than in Sgr. A*. We also found that depending on the sign of the quadratic curvature coefficient cO, the increase in photon radius results in a decrease in shadow radius. Exploring the Symmergent effects on the geodesics of time-like particles, we find that these are more sensitive to the effects than null particles. To broaden the scope of the study, we also analyzed the weak field limit of the deflection angles, where we used the Gauss-Bonnet theorem with the consideration of the finite distance of the source and the receiver to the lensing object. We have shown how the Symmergent gravity parameter cO, which is proportional to the number difference between fermions and bosons affects the deflection angle. Remarkably, the distance of the receiver (or source) greatly affects the angle. Finally, we also analyze the Symmergent gravity effects on the rotating black hole as it acts as a particle accelerator.