Abstract. The acid concentration and quantity, the pH and the peptic activity of the gastric juice were measured after stimulation with pentagastrin in 10 children with cystic fibrosis between the ages 2 and 12 years and in 20 healthy children of the same age group. Furthermore, the. basal, maximal and peak volume outputs (BVO, ~VO and PVO), the basal, maximal and peak acid outputs (BAO, MAO and PAO) and the basal, maximal and peak pepsin output (BPO, MPO and PPO) were determined. The statistical calculations were carried out with the help of partial hierarchical analysis of variance, comparison of regression curves, simple analysis of covariancc and the t test.After stimulation with pentagastrin, the volume of the gastric juice, the acid quantity and the peptic activity were found to be dependent on age in healthy children as well as in children with cystic fibrosis. The maximal volume of secretion in children with cystic fibrosis is less than that of healthy children; however, the acid quantity and peptic activity show no significant difference in both groups. The volume of the gastric juice, acid quantity and peptic activity in basal and stimulated secretions, expressed in kilograms per body weight or surface area in square meters, are independent of age and show no significant difference between the two groups.In the two groups the curves for the three parameters differ significantly from one to another.There is a significant shift in the time course of the curves that depict the acid secretion and peptic activity. Contrary to the accepted views, the acid and enzyme secretions are not closely interrelated.Based on the acidity and peptic activity, the digestive capacity of the stomach is the same for healthy children and children with cystic fibrosis. In contrast to the pancreas, 4here is no impairment in the exocrine function of the stomach. The gastric secretions of children with cystic fibrosis are not completely the same as in healthy children.