The synovial structures of the M. fibularis longus were studied by dissection on 23 cat, 28 dog, 20 pig, 17 ox, 15 sheep and 17 goat limbs. Five injections with Technovit into the tarsometatarsal joint were made for each species. The dog had two tendon sheaths while all other species had only one lateral one. The mesotendon approached the tendon from the medial aspect and was fenestrated in the dog (here only in the proximal segment), pig, sheep, and goat, but in the cat and ox the fenestration was inconstant. In the area of the lateral malleolus the lateral tendon sheath narrowed (in the dog only in the proximal segment). The synovial structures on the plantar aspect in the cat, dog, pig, and sheep were formed by a recess of the tarsometatarsal joint; while in the ox and goat they formed a tendon sheath that took its origin from the same joint. The plantar recess surrounded the tendon three quarters of the way in the dog, and in cat, pig, and sheep only half way. Nomenclaturial consequences for the NAV are discussed.