Propagation of the action potential in nerve fibers is dependent on two related processes-the electrical excitability of the membrane ahead of the actively depolarized region, and the magnitude and temporal characteristics of the transitory depolarization that constitutes the action potential. The now classical work of Hodgkin (45, 46) on vertebrate nerve trunks demon strated the dependence of conduction on the electronic spread of depolariza tion induced by "local current" from the region of the action potential to that ahead of it to cause enhanced excitability and excitation. The subsequent studies of Tasaki and associates, and others on large, single myelinated fibers, summarized in Tasaki's monograph (97), were of special importance in demonstrating saltatory conduction (i.e., conduction by activation of successive nodes of Ranvier) and a safety factor of 5 to 7 (i. e. , that the action potential is 5 to 7 times larger in maximum amplitude than that just needed to excite the adjacent node of Ranvier); moreover, Tasaki & Takeuchi (103) showed that the threshold of excitability and the height of the action poten tial vary inversely, as might be expected from recent evidence that both are normally dependent on the ability of the excitable membrane to undergo permeability changes to Na+ and K+ (84,87,104). The process of conduction is dependent not only on the kinetics of the transitory permeability changes underlying excitability and the action potential, but also on the physical conditions governing the spread of local current ahead of the action potential. Among the physical conditions are (a) the critical length of the fiber, determined by the resistances of the mem brane, axoplasm, and extracellular spaces, which governs the spatial features of the electrotonic spread of depolarization ahead of the action potential, and (b) the capacitance of the excitable membrane and other structures (myelin) that, with the associated resistance, determines the temporal characteristics of the rise of the electrotonic potential. These have been reviewed recently by Fatt (30). Of course, the presence of heavily myelinated internodes that give rise to saltatory conduction in "myelinated" nerve, as distinguished from continuous propagation in "unmyelinated" (actually weakly myelinated) fibers, is also an important consideration in any general analysis of conduction among different fibers. Since the resistances, capaci tances, and general histology vary with fiber size, everything else being equal 1 The survey of the literature pertaining to this review was concluded in July 1962. , Preparation of this article was supported by research grants from the National Institutes of Health, B-3321 and B-3322. 185 Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. 1963.3:185-204. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Wisconsin -Madison on 06/21/16. For personal use only. Quick links to online content Further ANNUAL REVIEWS