The effect of hypothyroidism on the specific dynamic action of carbohydrate and of protein in man and in animals has been previously studied by several investigators. The results of these studies and their interpretations vary.In a group of patients at this hospital hypothyroidism has been induced by total ablation of the normal thyroid gland for the treatment of chronic heart disease (1) (2). An opportunity was thereby presented to reinvestigate the effect of hypothyroidism upon the specific dynamic action in man. Total thyroidectomy was performed in these patients in order that in the hypothyroid state they might derive the benefits of the lessened demands upon the heart (2) (3) (4). It seemed important to establish whether or not these individuals, in addition, were relieved of the increased demands upon the circulatory system coincident to increased metabolism after the ingestion of food. Weisz and Adler (6) in 1922, measured the oxygen consumption up to three hours after 100 grams of cane sugar were ingested by a patient with myxedema who was being treated with thyroid. Nine experiments were reported, performed at basal oxygen consumptions corresponding to basal metabolic rates of approximately minus 15 to plus 18 per cent; the lowest basal metabolic rates were approximately minus 15, minus 15, and minus 3 per cent. In the two experiments performed when the basal metabolic rates were minus 15 per cent the average increases in oxygen consumption after sugar amounted to 13 per cent and 9 per cent of the basal values. In seven of the nine experiments the average deviation of the total increase from the mean was + 4 per cent, the basal metabolism in these seven instances varying between minus 15 and plus 18 per cent. If specific dynamic action be expressed as total increase in oxygen consumption, then these experiments show almost constant specific dynamic action as the basal metabolic rate is varied; in terms of percentage increase the specific dynamic action is larger at the lower. metabolic levels.Several investigators have studied the specific dynamic action of protein in human hypothyroidism and all of these have found a resultant increase in metabolism. DuBois (5) observed an increase of heat production of 13 per cent from the second through the sixth hour after a protein meal given to the cretin subject referred to above. Grafe (7) studied the respiratory exchange for eleven hours after the ingestion of a protein meal by a sixteen year old obese hypothyroid girl (basal metabolic rate, minus 20 per cent). The increases in metabolism observed were interpreted as normal.Other workers have reported the changes in 595 MILTON LANDOWNE metabolism for periods of only one to two and one-half hours after the administration of a protein test meal (8) (9) (10). Since the metabolic increases for the amounts of protein employed in these instances may well be expected to last over six hours (11), one can not conclude as to the total specific dynamic action in these experiments. In two of these investigations (8) (9), t...