Mastering the characteristics of photovoltaic power generation helps reduce the output limit of photovoltaic power generation and improve the absorption ability of photovoltaic power generation. Based on the measured data from photovoltaic power stations, the sunrise force-related characteristics of a photovoltaic power station are analyzed. Specifically, first, the correlation coefficient and the sunrise force characteristics of a photovoltaic power station are introduced. Second, the output data and time-space characteristics of two photovoltaic power stations are provided. Furthermore, based on the above actual data, the influence of weather and time on different time autocorrelation characteristics of a photovoltaic power station is analyzed. Based on the spatiotemporal characteristics of a photovoltaic power station, the correlation between time and space characteristics and photovoltaic power generation data of different substations is analyzed. Our study is conducive to further understanding the characteristics of photovoltaic power station data.