This paper reviews a number of low-swing onchip interconnect schemes, and presents a thorough analysis of their effectiveness and limitations. In addition, several new interface circuits, presenting even more energy savings, are proposed. Some of these circuits not only reduce the interconnect swing, but also use very low supply voltages, so as to obtain quadratic energy savings. The performances of each of the presented circuits are thoroughly examined using simulation on a benchmark interconnect circuit. Energy savings with a factor of seven have been observed for some of the schemes.
INTRODUCTIONIn the deep-submicron era, interconnect wires (and the associated driver and receiver circuits) are responsible for an ever increasing fraction of the energy consumption of an integrated circuit. Most of this increase is due to global wires, such as busses and clock and timing signals. This observation is particularly true for reconfigurable circuits. For instance, it has been observed that more than 90% of the power dissipation of traditional FPGA components (over a wide range of applications) is due to the interconnect [1]. For gate array and cell library based designs, Dake Liu [8] found that the power consumption of wires and clock signals can be up to 40% and 50% of the total on-chip power consumption respectively. Obviously, techniques that can help to reduce these ratios are very desirable. Short of reducing the average length of the wires and their fanout by using advanced processes or improved architectures, reducing the voltage swing of the signal on the wire is the best bet towards getting better energy efficiency. In this paper, we will analyze the effectiveness of a number of reduced swing interconnect schemes that have been proposed in the literature [2][3][4][5][6]. In addition, a number of novel or modified circuits will be introduced, simulated, and critiqued. To present a fair and realistic base for comparison, a single test circuit will be used. Overall, it is found that the proposed schemes present a wide range of potential energy reductions, yet that other considerations such as complexity, reliability, and performance play important roles as well.The paper is organized as follows. In section 3, the test bed that will be used in all simulations is presented. This is followed by a review and comparison of a number of architectures, obtained from the open literature. Several novel or modified low-swing schemes are proposed and analyzed in section 5. Finally, section 6 brings them all together and draws some conclusions.
TEST ARCHITECTURE AND QUALITY METRICSPresenting a fair comparison for the various interconnect schemes that are presented in this paper requires a common and fair test-bed. Fig. 1(a) illustrates the schematic of our benchmark interconnect circuit. The driver converts a fullswing input into a reduced-swing interconnect signal, which is converted back to a full-swing output by the receiver. The interconnect line is a metal-3 layer wire with a length of 10 mm, modeled by a π3 dis...