This document demonstrates completion of the goals described in the technical narrative of the Department of Energy's Industry Funding Opportunity Announcement (iFOA) project entitled "Modeling and Simulation Development Pathways to Accelerating KP-FHR Licensing," which relates to the development and demonstration of capabilities for conducting engineering-scale simulations of Alloy 316H components under high-temperature conditions. This work encompassed two major aspects: integrating and testing constitutive models for the creep response of 316H at high temperatures, and developing tools for modeling creep crack growth (CCG) in 316H. Two classes of constitutive models were used in this effort: phenomenological models based on behavior observed at the engineering scale, and reduced-order models (ROMs) that represent the nonlinear response of mesoscale models that capture the sensitivity to material microstructure and processing. Likewise, the approaches employed for CCG modeling considered both simplified engineering approaches and detailed simulations of creep and damage ahead of the crack tip. These developments, which were performed by utilizing the Grizzly code as well as the open-source libraries it depends on, strengthen Grizzly's ability to support licensing and safety analyses of high-temperature reactor components.