The central event in glaucoma is slow and irreversible damage of retinal ganglion cell axons [1, 2]. Retinal ganglion cells carry visual information from the retina to the brain. When damaged, they undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) resulting in vision loss. The main site of retinal ganglion cell damage occurs within the optic nerve head (ONH) located at the back of the eye [3]. To date, it is widely accepted that clinical evaluation and documentation of the ONH is essential for the diagnosis and the monitoring of glaucoma [4, 5].However, providing an accurate glaucoma diagnosis is a complex endeavor that is time consuming for clinicians. It is subjective and heavily dependent on a clinician's experience/expertise, and in more complex cases, requires a battery of multiple clinical tests. Such tests often need to be repeated at multiple patients' visits to overcome their inherent subjectivity and patient variability to confirm a diagnosis. As stated by the World Glaucoma Association: "As yet there is no widely-accepted method of combining the results of several [glaucoma] tests [to provide an improved diagnosis]". In fact, the use of multiple glaucoma diagnostic tests has been found to increase the likelihood of false-positives yielding to over-treatment [6].Axonal damage in glaucoma is typically evaluated through two tests that assess ONH structure and visual function. In routine clinical practice, functional measures of axonal loss are frequently assessed with visual field testing. During testing, flashes of light reach various regions of the retina to generate a map of its sensitivity to light. Structural measures of axonal loss are assessed with optical coherence tomography (OCT) -a 3D imaging modality that allows fast, high-resolution and non-invasive visualization of the ONH [7]. Using OCT, studies have found that retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning was strongly associated with glaucoma severity [8, 9,10,11]. Because RNFL thinning generally precedes detectable functional defects in glaucoma patients [12], RNFL thickness (assessed through OCT) has remained a gold-standard parameter for glaucoma.However, Li and Jampel concluded that: "OCT was not a sufficient stand-alone test for the detection of glaucoma or for triage use in primary care" [7]. We argue this is because the vast amount of information available in a 3D OCT scan of the ONH has not been fully exploited. RNFL thickness and the more recent minimum-rim-width are 1-dimensional (depth) parameters representative of neural tissues only. However, connective tissues also exhibit complex 3-dimensional changes during the development and progression of glaucoma, including, but not limited to: post-laminar deformations [13], changes in LC and choroidal thickness [14,15], peripapillary atrophy [16], scleral canal expansion [17], posterior migration of the LC [18], and peripapillary scleral bowing [19]. To date, no clinical solutions currently consider changes in both neural and connective tissues simultaneously, which may also explain the lack in ...